St John’s Nursery, the Lambs, gives boys time to explore, investigate and develop new skills in a happy, caring and secure setting. The emphasis is on socialising, communicating and developing their motor skills. Boys are taught by professionals who ensure that the curriculum is suited to each one’s unique needs.

“ There is a harmonious atmosphere as children are kind to one another. The School successfully achieves its aim to prepare every pupil for each stage in their educational career, and to become a 'life-long learner'.”
ISI Inspection report 2023
Boys enter the Lambs in the September after their third birthday and are offered five full days.
The Nursery is self-contained within our Pre-Prep department and boys benefit from excellent facilities including our own forest area. In addition to the main teaching room there is a large and well- equipped covered soft-floor playground which enables the boys to gain confidence and enjoyment whilst learning through play.
Staff are available to talk with parents at the start and end of each day. Parents meet to discuss their son’s progress at consultation evenings and a written report is produced at the end of each term. The nurturing environment prepares the boys and encourages their confidence and readiness to progress through the school.
The Nursery teachers plan a structured but flexible programme of play and work activities which encompass the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. The EYFS framework is divided up into seven areas of learning and throughout the day boys may be taught individually, in small groups or as a whole class. Pre-reading and number skills are introduced and reinforced throughout the year. All nursery boys benefit from specialist teachers in P.E. and Music.
Particular attention is paid to developing the boys' personal, social and emotional skills. We reinforce good manners, being kind and sharing. Boys learn by example and through activities such as Circle Time which reinforces values and behaviours.​
Daily life in the Nursery
The Nursery day starts between 8.25 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. The morning session is divided by a break at 10.25 a.m. when the boys are able to play outside. They are given fruit and the choice of milk or water. Boys are given a nutritious lunch in the dining room at 12noon. Polite table manners are both encouraged and expected.
The afternoon session starts again at 1.30 p.m. and the Nursery day ends at 3.00 p.m. although there is a late room facility for boys who have brothers in the upper part of the school which runs until 4.00 p.m. There is also the option of breakfast and after school care if required.